[Declined]Joining bf4e
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick: Quax2. Name, Age: Phil , 17
3. Country, Timezone: Greece , GMT+2
4. Main(lvl)/Subs(lvl): Adv 77/SR 64
5. Nobless: [Y/N]
6. Equipment: DC light+3/3/3/3/3 / Soul Sep / Carnage /Maj jews+4/3/3/3/3
7. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules? Yes
8. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
I can't answer this right now because i don't have my school/training scadual , its still summer but until the 11th of september im guessing ~6 hours a day if not more
9. Are You able to use Ventrillo?
no for some reason my antivirus wont let me , i tried making an exception for vent but it wont work
10. Are You able to play in siege times?
if i dont have a match then yes (chances are high that i will be able to play,matches are usualy on sunday mornings
11. Are You able to camp epics?
that i can do unless i got school,training ( i can camp all night and go to school without sleep np)
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
nop,i heard bf4e was recruiting by an ally mate of yours , gfx
13. Your Lineage2 experiences:
more or less 5 years,only low rates including official(xept few middle rates)
14. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?:
answered on previous question

15. Previous Clans/Servers:
on Celes just small clans , 300,battlemasters and 1 other cant recall name
servers : Luna(official) , cosmosl2 (x7) , Eckholon (x15) , l2 max (x15) , Linezeus (x3) , Dragon (x15) , L2rapture (x30) and more
16. Why You want to join our Clan?
i'm looking for an international clan that takes part in sieges/big raids and has many wartags,i heard you got many wartags

17. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
if you're looking for pvp addicts then here i am !

- from me
sry dude, i don't like it.
dagger+low lvl archer? no thx
- from me
- for clases
- lol class
