[Declined]Doom Cryer
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick: Paskudny2. Name, Age: Marcin,20
3. Country, Timezone:
Poland, GMT+1
4. Main(lvl)/Subs(lvl):
82lvl/ fuck subs need 83 and fist fury bro ! But it will be summoner/tyrant/Bd
5. Nobless: [Y/N]
No, i will make it on fucking TW the same like subs ;>
6. Equipment: TM robe set, Am+acu, almost full tts, m.shirt +4 w/o boost cp, need fortres oO
7. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?
8. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
After exams all days 12+ h, but now about 4 h only

9. Are You able to use Ventrillo?
10. Are You able to play in siege times?
11. Are You able to camp epics?
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
13. Your Lineage2 experiences:
About 5 years ?
14. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?:
I was on many sieges and i like it !
15. Previous Clans/Servers:
Some lol servers like Dragon Networ, Existance, Extreme, and some pvp serwers, now l2 rpg-club, i was in lol bmf, than in genocide ...
16. Why You want to join our Clan?
Coz my cp isn't play now and i'm looking for clan in which i can play for next few days/weeks before we will find some DD's
17. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
Duno bro, may, coz i'm from poland, i have passes for 2 hero acc, and acc with Q on HB :>
nice lvl etc but we don't inv ppl for few days to clan

can play for next few days/weeks before we will find some DD's
- from me
I can talk with my cp about clan, coz i duno if they want to go again to imba clan, most of us are to old for this, so it is possible that we will look for some clan in which we could stay and have good time.
So this is exacly clan you are looking for.
+ if you are going to stay here.