[Declined]Coaxe App
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
. In Game Nick: Coaxe2. Name, Age: Travis/18
3. Country, Timezone: USA/GMT -5
4. Main(lvl)/Subs(lvl): 78 GH/78 SD/74 HE/Dunno next sub xD
5. Nobless: [Y/N] Yes
6. Equipment: GH/MJ la SS/tts jewels-BD full tallum hvy/+4 dual kesh-HE/MJ la/+5 soul bow
7. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules? yes
8. Activity(how long You’re playing daily): 6-8 hours
9. Are You able to use Ventrillo? yes
10. Are You able to play in siege times? yes
11. Are You able to camp epics? YES
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You? yes
13. Your Lineage2 experiences: 1 year give or take
14. Previous Clans/Servers: Aftermath clan
15. Why You want to join our Clan? I want friendly and good players that love to pvp
16. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you): i am a good player that likes to pvp

+1 He is my friend, good player and good activity

- for GMT and for that "maybe" i 11th question.
^ i can camp i was joking lol
Next sub Cardinal and im on +
Next sub Cardinal and im on +
i have never played one

+ for ur name only;] i rly like Travis Pastrana
kekekeke creu creu creu

+ for ur name only;] i rly like Travis Pastrana
kekekeke creu creu creu

Aaaa,my man kozz give ya+,so+ from me 2

-for gmt
- for eq
- for funny(not) joke (if u joking, u're not taking your application serious right?)
If u take on next sub cardinal i will be on ... +/-
- from me