[ L2OFF ] Sept 7th L2
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
NEW Gracia Final 5x server start on: September 07, 2012 18:00 GMT+2[center][font=georgia][size=14pt]Website:[/size][/fontla2rune . com [size=14pt][font=georgia]Forum:[/font[/sizela2rune . com /forum[/center]
[font=andale mono][size=12pt][*]Exp: x5
[*]SP: x5
[*]Adena: x7 Chance: 80% (retail)
[*]Drop chance: x5 (seal stones: x7)
[*]Drop quantity: x3 for both key and normal materials
[*]Drop quantity: x5 for full items
[*]Spoil chance: x5
[*]Spoil quantity: x5
[*]Raid Boss drop chance: x2
[*]Raid Boss drop quantity: x1
[*]Quests rates: x5
[font=georgia][size=14pt]Basic Information[/size
[font=andale mono][size=12pt]
[*]Chronicle: Gracia Final [L2OFF
[*]Retail time for all buffs
[*]24 slots for Buff Skills
[*]12 slots for Dance/Song Skills
[*]12 slots for Debuff Skills
[*]Kamael soul system 100% working
[*]Kamael races (fully 100% working skills)
[*]Subclass Skill Certification System
[*]Olympiad (fully 100% retail)
[*]Gracia Final clan system 100% working
[*]Talisman functional
[*]Retail 85 max level for players - max 80 for pets
[*]The most complete Geodata ever seen (including Gracia continents / air ships)
[*]Self-cleaning drops after certain time
[*]Custom offline shop system
[*]99% of new up to Gracia Final quests by advext64
[*]And many, many other... be there to see yourself!
[font=georgia][size=14pt]Bot Protections[/size
[font=andale mono][size=12pt]
[*]Full protection against every bot type, including IG/OOG walker, net, swift etc.
[*]Dualbox customization
[*]Excellent optimization system
[*]Anti-Debugger Api
[*]Protection against hlapex, l2phx and any other memory invader soft
[*]Blocked execution in Virtual Machines
[*]External Files CRC checks
Dota 2 is better than LII.