Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick:Misiunia2. Name, Age: Marlena, 26
3. Country, Timezone: Poland,GMt+1
4. Main(lvl)/Subs(lvl): GH 78/DC 78/AM 77/HE 76
5. Nobless: [Y/N] Y
6. Equipment: DC robe, MAJ light, doom heavy, DB, demon sword, SOV,BOP
7. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules? Yes
8. Activity(how long You’re playing daily): When u need me/~5h
9. Are You able to use TeamSpeak? yes
10. Are You able to play in siege times? If i can yes
11. Are You able to play even at night if we will need You? Yes
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You? Yes
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You? Yes
13. Your Lineage2 experiences:3 years
14. Previous Clans/Servers:Clan - BlackDragon/VD server
15. Why You want to join our Clan? I don't like play alone
+for clas
+for eq
+for old frend

accepted her

+ for all

and + that u're very talkative
oo jestes starsza od boya

+for clas
+for eq
+for old frend

accepted her

+ from me
+ from me