[Accepted]Querty is here :)
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick: not decided yet
2. Name, Age:17
3. Country, Timezone:Greece/GMT+2
4. Main Class:Spoiler
5. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?yep

6. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
during the week i can play 2-3 max,but on weekends i can play 6-8

7. Are You able to use Ventrillo?yes,i already use it
8. Are You able to play in siege times?ofc

9. Are You able to camp epics?depend on the day
10. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?ofc:),
Names:Jaskier,CreativePl,elminster,naobe and more ppl

11. Your Lineage2 experiences:i play for 5 years
12. What is your experience in pvp and sieges? Good because i like pvp and siege.i was in vantage and we didnt got activity and that is why i left nanaki(no pvp no fun

13. Previous Clans/Servers:
Servers:Isogames/azure and some 100x

Clans on nanaki:MOst of the time in vantage or avatars:)
14. Why You want to join our Clan?
because i know the ppl from this clan and i realy like them
15. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
Because i like team work and i help all ppl...i would like to add,that 2 real life friends of mine would realy like to start on Celes....their classes will be Gladiator and PP,i would realy like to know if it possible to invite them too

Waiting for a reply: Querty

- activity
you are right about activity but my activity during the week depend of the homework that i have to do for school

+ for main
- for activity
If you will be more active i will give you +
the day that the server will open school ends

+from me but u must be little more active Querty
i ll try to be...but even if i cant join to clan you know that i ll be there always for my friends and not only

This guy is really helpful and i really good remember him especially when i was doing my varka quest on Archmage.
It's + but u know... that activity might be a problem, especially in first week till CH auctions (so that's why i'm starting in half of May

This guy is really helpful and i really good remember him especially when i was doing my varka quest on Archmage.
It's + but u know... that activity might be a problem, especially in first week till CH auctions (so that's why i'm starting in half of May

Ok i change my mind
+ from me

+ from me
pm me ig on BETA: Strong or Fish/Jaskier/Krauzer/Elminster for inv.
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