[Accepted]hey there (:
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
hey mengz.......1. In Game Nick: Victoria
2. Name, Age: Andrey, 17
3. Country, Timezone: Romania, GMT +2
4. Main Class: sws
5. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules? Sure
6. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
Monday: 7 hrs
Tuesday: 7 hrs
Wednesday: around 9 hrs
Thursday: 7 hrs
Friday: around 12 hrs
Saturday: 12+++ hrs
Sunday: 12+++ hrs
7. Are You able to use Ventrillo? yes
8. Are You able to play in siege times? yes
9. Are You able to camp epics? yes
10. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
no bcuz i haven't played here for a long time, i quited 1 year ago i guess...
11. Your Lineage2 experiences:
i started to play l2 4 years ago with my friends. i played mostly on l2paradise, l2dex and frintezzal2 (and a little bit retail serv Bartz).
l2paradise: adv 79 full S + 3 subs: sws,sps,bd all lv'd up till 78~79.
l2 dex:
~Wrath serv (retail-like 9x): stk 79 full S with many oe'd items + 1 sub: adv 78 and ofc, another char, a wr, full A&S lv 78
~Dexternet serv (retail-like 4x): adv 77 full A + mm 78 full A
frintezzal2: sws 80 + 3 subs: sws,adv,sps all lv'd up till 78~79.
Bartz: sps 72 (haven't played so much there duh)
12. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?
Understand your class better than anyone else. That's the most tricky skill you can have. in my case, i know to play with my classes so np for me, in peeweepee i can own anybody but i can be owned by anybody too, that's the beauty of this game. and about sieges, np again, i was in many sieges before i joined here so, i think i can handle that (:
13. Previous Clans/Servers:
l2paradise: Kintesenta/lolniggaz ally.
~Wrath serv (retail-like 9x): LDF (LosDelFuego)/CrazyRabbits ally.
~Dexternet serv (retail-like 4x): TRACII
14. Why You want to join our Clan?
it's simple... i want to play with pro ppl, who can handle any kind of problem and, the most important thing, don't wanna meet people who get butthurted after a pvp/epic failed so, BF4E is the answer i guess...
15. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
like i already said, my name is Andrey, i'm 17 and i play l2 since c1. why should you invite me? hum... well, i'm an experienced player lf an experienced clan... i'm not a "itemz/adena begger" aka noob, i prefer to work hard for my items; i'm not getting emo after a failed pvp, that's make the revange sweeter you know... however, i respect my enemyes if they respect me (same think with the clan mates). ok now, that's a really short self introduction... see you around (:
+ for sws
+ for activity

+ for sws
+ for activity
Jaskier wrote: + for sws
+ for activity
dear jaskier, is that you from avatar? if so, i fucking love you <3
No it's not me. I'm male sry

+for sws/activite

+for sws/activite +
pm me ig on BETA: Strong or Fish/Jaskier/Krauzer/Elminster for inv.
hey guys, i just saw smth.. we need more nukers.... i'm thinking to make a sps because of that but don't worry, i saw many others sws's/bd's etc etc mainly support so w/o me as a sws will be np.... i just need your confirmation xstrong :}

if u dont make sws like u say in apply u have one big veeery big -- from me
we will talk before celes start

if u dont make sws like u say in apply u have one big veeery big -- from me
:DDDDDD well, we need nukers too, right? some guys are going to be sws imo we'll have around 3 sws's at least... and recruiting is on......
if everyone will say that we have sws and will make other class then we will need every kind of suppor becouse bishops/se/ee/bd`s/sws`s will make dd classes so if u say sws make sws on main we dont need only mages need support to