[Declined]titan 76 wk 71
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
Nick: ThisIsSpartaName, Age: Daniela, 21
Country, Timezone: Czech Republic, gmt+1
Main, Sub: titan 76(10%77), wk 71
(want necro, hw)
Nobless: 2x fail barakiel
Equipment: tallum hvy, dc robe, IM, halberd, homu, jewl (maj, bo)
(soon sov or bop)
Did You read and accept our Clan Rules: Ye (many clans have worst)
Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
Every day cca 4-12hours
Are You able to use Ventrillo: ye but have a little problem with eng speaking..
Are You able to play in siege times: SURE
Are You able to camp epics: SURE
Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You: Dont know if he recommend me but know Nenavist : ))
Your Lineage2 experiences: 2years on abyss, 2months on roxy (before donations..

What is your experience in pvp and sieges: mostly suported on CS (spectral dancer, bishop), sometimes SH, glad and PK (phoenix knight) in pvp
I played many time SD
Previous Clans/Servers:
Abyss, Roxy
Seelenfeuer, SevenDust
Why You want to join our Clan: I find team play and I cant still find it
I can be online many time and I dont wanna be in small clan with 10 or less ppl every day.. So I wanna look into lineage (epics rb, CS, wars)
When Ill play alone I can play MarioBross, not LA2..
Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
Im a student last year, have many time for playing, Im a teamplayer, Im not thief and listening boss : ))
NOW Ill be one week on holiday. Ill be here on Sunday in the evening, thx for answer
- from me
we have lots of titans and wk.
- from me
+1 for being a girl :> at least ur name suggests that

+ for beeing sexy czech republican
