Application by Facecik
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick:Loel
2. Name, Age:
£ukasz, 28
3. Country, Timezone:
4. Main(lvl)/Subs(lvl):
BH 62 lv
5. Nobless: [Y/N]
6. Equipment:
Doom Heavy set nad dual sls, but working on this

7. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?
8. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
every day ~ 5 - 8 hours

9. Are You able to use Ventrillo?
10. Are You able to play in siege times?
11. Are You able to camp epics?
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
Those who played on Nanaki;]
13. Your Lineage2 experiences:
~ 4 y
14. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?:
I love to kill
15. Previous Clans/Servers:
Abyss/Dex/Extreme/Supreme - Clan Oblivion and azure/Nanaki - Clan BF4E
16. Why You want to join our Clan?
You are the best of the best, he kidding;] well you play;]
17. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
sorry, but I poorly speak English
wb exp exp atm we have full clan but if will be free slot I inv u
Facecik nub +

+from me
pro player +++ from me

+ (ten gosc nigdy nie uzywa bsoe!)
+ (ten gosc nigdy nie uzywa bsoe!)
Bo ich nie ma

Wracaj±c do tematu DU¯YYYY + odemnie zawsze pomocny, dobry kolega

+++ wb

yo³, nie mam praw na forum, wiêc tu siê zapytam, gracie teraz gdzie¶, czy czekacie na azure ? mo¿e na Abyssie by¶my pograli, jest do¶æ du¿y wybór serwerów, ale problem bêdzie z CH .., chyba ¿e macie jakie¶ inne serwerowe propozycje ?
Oni graj± chyba na L2Dust, czy jako¶ tak.

interlude l2dust x100. Nie ma co sie przenosic na inny server, w polowie tygodnia mo¿e wstanie znowu

na servie fajna zabawa pvp jest wszedzie;p
dont speak good PL but i can say WB "k u r w a"

+ k0rwa