[Accepted]Roschach LFC
Impreza plenerowa w KieĹpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1.In Game Nick:Roschach
2. Name, Age:
Charles, 21
3. Country, Timezone:
Czech republick,GMT +1
4. Main Class(lvl):
HE 65lvl (C grade equipt, b grade jewels)
5. Equipment:
C grade equipt (emi+cs and pl set) , b grade jewels
6. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?
7. Activity(how long Youre playing daily):
4-5 hours today
8. Are You able to use Ventrillo?
9. Are You able to play in siege times?
10. Are You able to camp epics?
11. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
Araven, Oromi, muccinka
12. Your Lineage2 experiences:
4 years
13. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?:
Very large
14. Previous Clans/Servers:
On Roxy - Moonlight sentinel
On Abyss - Phoenix knight (sub sagitarius, elven leder 76)
15. Why You want to join our Clan?
Because you are active players.
16. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
I m good player and do not miss seages, RB, mass (very good MAIN ASSISTER) pvp and other events with clan ...
i think we need some DD's to exp support.. could be archers in second clan even if we are mage/destro clan

+ for level
- class

i think we need some DD's to exp support.. could be archers in second clan even if we are mage/destro clan

+ for level
- class
Matrox wrote: i think we need some DD's to exp support.. could be archers in second clan even if we are mage/destro clan

+ for level
- class
I think that is important to have also DD in main... they can go with destro party to pvp.

+ from me
+ from me
I think that is important to have also DD in main... they can go with destro party to pvp.

for god sake, please resize your avatar

AWRIQ wrote: I think that is important to have also DD in main... they can go with destro party to pvp.

for god sake, please resize your avatar

better resize ur connection speed couse i have complex with that

i think is best to go @ siege with 2 archer 2 mage pts
because archers will kill guards fast with crits
and mages will kill ppl because they dont have so pro jewels @ start
so its + for me

+ +++from me,cause he is very good and skilled pvp player,not mention his farming skills:),he can play for every char in this game and you dont notice that he is playing it for one day.His natural intuition for killing people and winning almoust lost combats is amazing...No im not dating with him:D,i just like him:)
So if you care about my opinion,he will become definetly best HE in our clan,if you give him chance:).