Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick: MysticHitman2. Name, Age: 24
3. Country, Timezone: NYC,EST
4. Main(lvl): 74
5. Equipment: homnu with acumen /karmian/top c jewlery. currently working on DC, only thing left is robe and boots. Also working on SOM i have blades and rec
6. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules? YES
7. Activity(how long You’re playing daily): Currently 6+ but soon 3+
Monday: 5
Tuesday: 5
Wednesday: 5
Thursday: 5
Friday: 5
Saturday: 6
Sunday: 6
8. Are You able to use Ventrillo? yes
9. Are You able to play in siege times? yes
10. Are You able to camp epics? yes
11. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You? R1ddick
12. Your Lineage2 experiences: from c1-c5
13. What is your experience in pvp and sieges? A lot of exp
14. Previous Clans/Servers: Dynasty on retail devianne
15. Why You want to join our Clan? Seems very organized and helpful
16. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you): im crazy fun, love pvp hate the grind but cant pvp without it

3. Country, Timezone: NYC,EST
4. Main(lvl): 74
... if don't know your class can't give u my vote

He is a necromancer level 74, his friend will also apply, prophet level 74 also.
I give a +
He is a necromancer level 74, his friend will also apply, prophet level 74 also.
I give a +
kaid wrote: He is a necromancer level 74, his friend will also apply, prophet level 74 also.
I give a +
Strong wrote: kaid wrote: He is a necromancer level 74, his friend will also apply, prophet level 74 also.
I give a +
pm Strong/Win/BagDad/Huntusia/M4t3u5z/Elminster/Moquerie/Ironn for inv to clan.
Register on forum.