[Accepted]Legolasss` apply
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In game nick:Legolasss
2. Name, Age:
Ondrej, 20
3. Country, timezone:
Czech republic, GMT +1
4. Main class (lvl):
Prophet - 74 lvl
5. Equipment:
BW robe set, homu acu, dc shield
6. Did you read and accept clan rules ?
yes i did and do
7. Activity (how long you are playing daily):
since im student on Uni, it depends which days I have exams, but since period of exams is ending, there is plenty of time
so I would say Im playing at least 5 hours per day and on the weekends more
8. Are you able to use ventrilo?
yes im
9. Are you able to play in siege times?
since the times are in the night, ofc Im
10. Are you able to camp epics ?
like I said, if its in good time ofc I can, i think thats the same at everybody from us
11. Do you know anyone in clan who can recommend you ?
not from clan, but some ppl from ally
12. Your Lineage2 experience:
playing 4th year, since C2
13. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?
since my clan had Aden over 1 year on Abyss 7x I have good experience even with leading castle sieges and pvps
14. Previous clans/servers?
Paradise, Abyss, Roxy
15. Why you want to join our clan ?
I think you are good clan, not scared of pvp
16. Short introduction about yourself (why should we invite you) ?
PP needs clan

we dont need prophet?
- nobody to recomend u..
generally i would say + but the nick ....

+ Andrzej

generally i would say + but the nick ....

there is a long story about nick

+ from me.
why not, pp often can be needly so u've got my vouch
+ from me
we need pps because a lot resists it have if we go to cs vs mages

+ from me too. We could use PP and i saw him allot in Aden and FG so hes active.
why not, pp often can be needly so u've got my vouch
- you already have a clan
lol but dont like it

So why dont u like you're current one ?
no active clan, no parties, no pvp, thats why

already clanless and waiting for decision...

register on forum.