[Accepted]Hinde's application
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick:Hinde
2. Name, Age:
Alejandro, 17 years old.
3. Country, Timezone:
Spain GTM+1
4. Main Class:
PR/HE or AW/TH but I was also thinking about OL and BP. The only one that I played already is OL but as alternative-secondary char.
5. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?
Yes, I have just done it, I like the rules, specially related about PvP, but you should add a rule about "don't exp with enemies" or is it allowed here ? I hope no...
6. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
Monday: 19:00 - 0:00
Tuesday: 15:00 - 17:00 / 18:00 - 0:00
Wednesday: 19:00 - 0:00
Thursday: 15:00 - 17:00 / 18:00 - 0:00
Friday: 15:00 - 3:00+
Saturday: 9:00 - 3:00+
Sunday: 9:00 - 0:30
7. Are You able to use Ventrillo?
Of course.
8. Are You able to play in siege times?
Yes, and if I'm not wrong this times on Azure will be really good for me.
9. Are You able to camp epics?
No,no! please, enemies will come and make me lose -4% don't send me there

/irony off
Of course and I like it

10. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
I think that no, but maybe yes, I have to check full Memberlist.
11. Your Lineage2 experiences:
Centinelas clan:
I have played with them since C3-C4 on Infinity x5 server, we were a clan formed by 15+ players from the same city.
I'd like to explain you the whole history of the clan, but this could take me hours.
We played together mostly in Infinity x5, for something like 2 years, we also played on other servers like Dragonians x7,we left because the lack of challenge and the lack of people online;later we went on Abyss x7;here was the end of the clan after 3+ years of existence, we were betrayed by a new group that we recruited and many other facts made our leader to end with the clan and stop with the game, she was one of the greastest players I have ever kown.
With this clan I made almost everything in this game, since partys to Valakas.
There I played a ES - 78 and I subbed into SpS - 78 and EE - 68+
Now I'm playing on Roxy x5, I started one month ago (WK 74) but I'm going to leave due the lack of challenge, and because the server is going worse and worse, they have just added stupid donations for Soul Crys 12/13 and things like that, and the server suffered many major bugs in the beginning, that's not for me, that's why I'm leaving.
On Abyss x7 we didn't stayed a lot as I explained before, I played a ES (75) and I subbed into SwS (63)
I also played a BD - 71 and PP - 72 on Dragonians x7 (what a shit of server omg...)
12. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?:
With Centinelas I took Oren, we kept it during 3 attacks, after that our alliance got disolved and we couldn't support the zerg.
13. Previous Clans/Servers:
As I mentioned, Centinelas on Infinity x5,Abyss x7.
OrdoTenebrarum on Roxy.
14. Why You want to join our Clan?
Well not many clans are recruiting and you seems one of the minimun part formed by Quality&Organized clans.
I want to start in a clan since the beggining of the server, and not every clan is for me, I heared good things about you, I hope my informations are not wrong...

15. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
I'm loyal, I think that this is important, I play for the clan and because of the clan, clan is on of the most important things in this game for me.
I don't know everything in this world, but if you teach me something I'll take it and learn it, I'll follow orders from Clan leader and Party Leaders but even more important, if it's needed I'll lead what I have to.
Friend is coming with me, shall I make other application 2in1 with us in just one ?
I say because we are friends in the real life and we would like to play together...
Let him make an apply
+ from me
I would like to add that my siege experience is much more bigger than what I posted, we helped lots of times ally to keep Giran per example.
I also would like to add that I'm interested into play BD too but at the moment I'm open to the most of the classes that this game can offer.
we will talk about class on Celes 7x
pm me ig on BETA: Strong or Fish/Jaskier/Krauzer/Elminster for inv.
What class you can play Ol, Bishop or BD??
Register on forum!!!