[Accepted]Apply Apacz
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick: Apacz2. Name, Age: Marcin , 18
3. Country, Timezone: Poland , +1 gmt
4. Main Class: hm Warlock or He
5. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?
6. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
Monday: hm 6h+ [ 10h max]
Tuesday: 6h+
Wednesday: 6h+
Thursday: 6h+
Friday: hm 8h+
Saturday: 12-18
Sunday: 14-15h;]
7. Are You able to use Ventrillo? Yes
8. Are You able to play in siege times? Yes
9. Are You able to camp epics? hm Yes;)
10. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You? hm noo;(
11. Your Lineage2 experiences: hm 4years?
12. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?: by³em na wielu siege i my¶le ¿e ogarniam troche , i love pvp;***
13. Previous Clans/Servers: Paradise ,Dex ,Abyss, Clans hm Defiance.
14. Why You want to join our Clan? Since the clans better game, communication on Ventrillo, Night Farm, etc..
the boss fight, mass pvp, <3
15. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
Hello, I am a normal one can say Farmer, I like to help, I like to laugh at vt and is able to embrace yourself when needed, but my English is very weak
//BTw je¶li robicie Magów moje klasy mog± byæ to ES / nuker
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+ from me
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