[Accepted]Application Isfet
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick:Isfet
2. Name, Age:
Iza 21
3. Country, Timezone:
Poland (gm +1)
4. Main(lvl)/Subs(lvl):
SWS (78 ) / EE(67)
5. Nobless: [Y/N]
almost- i need only barakiel
6. Equipment:
Maj heavy set, tallum blade, tallum robe set SoV, mj jewels and some TTS
7. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules?
Yes and Yes
8. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
i always play more then 3h sometime i play almost all day and most i play at evening (8-12 pm GM+1)
9. Are You able to use Ventrillo?

10. Are You able to play in siege times?
11. Are You able to camp epics?
Ofc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You?
i know Kamil and MerlinPl
13. Your Lineage2 experiences:
experinces hm... lets go!
paradise/c3-4 --> SH /Necro
Requiem/c4 --> SWS(hero)/sub HE/SpS and SE
Supreme/c5 --> SWS/sub EE
Xeebra/ct1-hellmond-gracja -->EE 84(hero)/Sub SWS 78/WK 76/SpS 79
--> TK 80(hero)/Sub TH 79/HE 78
thats all
nothing special

14. Previous Clans/Servers:
omg ... i will just write this clan what i remember
paradise- DethMasters
requiem- Choosen/Utopic/RedCross
Xeebra- Pestilence
15. Why You want to join our Clan?
coz in ur clan are my friends

16. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you):
coz im realy good and active player. i love and know how to play suport classes and i think good suport at clan is rly important

<3 :*

no i bardzo prosze o obiektywizm;]nie ma broni s a za to wiekszosc skreslaliscie;] ja nie wyra¿am oceny bo nikt nie ma prawa nas oceniac;
wiesz jest roznica miedzy jakis lamkiem z zagranicy a osoba z polski
i do tego aktywny gracz jak mi sie net naprawi to bedzie z kim pograc

- for no s grade, no nobless
+ for sws. its sws or swm?
(i tak jak Barlog napisa³, innych za to skre¶lali¶cie).
a + od ch³opów dostajesz za to, ¿e jeste¶ dziewczyn±

it is SWM
and if u only look like
good player-s grade wepoan
then u are sux
i think i am rly expirienc with this game and not only equ is important
and im not nobless and dont have S weap coz last half year i didnt played here and befour i left i gave all items for friend
i sux?

oh baby, think twice before you say smth like that.

dobra wiec tak, Bralog jak pamietasz, i z reszta wszyscy Isfet to jest konto do ktorego ostatnio mialem dostep i nie inwestowalem \w to konto na tyle zeby s grade weapon ladowac, jezeli na moim glownym koncie mam tylko DB i to pozyczonego... wiec prosze bardzo o troche czasu zeby wyfarmic recke i bedzie Iza miala s grade
Myystic ona jest dziewczyna, a przede wszystkim tak jak napisal denat Polka, wiec ja wole grac z laska ktora nie ma s a jest z Polski i ja bardzo dobrze znam niz z jakims typem ktory nie dosc ze nie kuma angielskiego to jeszcze szuka miejsca w klanie u nas
pomieszalem troche ale to jest pisane w nocy wiec

ale i tak +++++++++++++++++++++++
e ja nie kumam angielskiego niechcesz grac z takim typem jak ja

BTW koniec gadki wpisujta + lub -
aj tam d3nat mi chodzi o takich z zagranicy co po angielsku nie umieja sie wyslowic... a denat z toba to ja zawsze chce grac

+ from me for being a girl :>
and keep posting in this topic, i love to read when u flame each other, especially when u flame barlog

ok now seriously.
if she wouldnt have friends in clan she would be simply declined because of low lvls and eq. but since some nabz from clan know her good, we can give her a chance and check if she is as good and experienced as shes saying.
myystic chillout <3
barlog shut up

/agree manwe
+ from me
ja wiem ja mowie wlasnie ze powinno sie dawac szanse jak by³ alt klan ale wynie za to zjebaliscie dlatego sie spytalem skoro to konto nie ma s gradow a dajcie szanse i popieram isfet w tym wzgledzie;p ja nie wyra¿am dalej opini;] a btw pakal nie ma glosu bo zostal wyjebany z klanu(je¿eli jeszcze nie to bêdzie) za ma³± aktywnosc;p a manwe to naab i huja wie

+ from me but i won't hide that i don't like your equipment situation BUT I know your sittuation and there was no sense to invest s-grades to borrowed char so that's why a very very little (-).
Anyway I'm on +
- za to ze nie lubisz orc charow !
+ bo to kotlet
+ imo
+....is there any other option? Cmon...
+ from me
