[Accepted]Application CalaQuendiR
Impreza plenerowa w Kiełpinie 22 kwietnia 2007
1. In Game Nick:CalaQuendiR2. Name, Age:Vagelis , 20
3. Country, Timezone:Greece GMT +2
4. Main Class:AW or SORCEROR or SpellHowler
5. Did You read and accept our Clan Rules:Yes and accepted with all of them
6. Activity(how long You’re playing daily):
Monday:5 hours +
Tuesday:5 hours +
Wednesday:5 hours +
Thursday:5 hours +
Friday: 7 hours +++
Saturday: 10 hours ++++
Sunday: 10 hours +++++
7. Are You able to use Ventrillo? YES
8. Are You able to play in siege times? YES
9. Are You able to camp epics? Yes
10. Do You know anyone from clan who can recommend You? Still None
11. Your Lineage2 experiences:4 years 2 of them in official and many low private servers x1 - x7
12. What is your experience in pvp and sieges?: excellent especially pve
13. Previous Clans/Servers: Noobwars , BnB ,la2Crazy ,Roxy official Devianne now clans ... in noobwars i was on Dreamchasers the best ally and official i was in Poots for the last year
14. Why You want to join our Clan?Cause i think you guys have good setup ingame and in the forum. Rules which if the clan members follow them will be just fine and some new experinces and friends wont be bad for me

15. Short introduction of Yourself(why should we invite you): i am an active/funny very good on teamwork player who knows what is the best for him and the clan
we are not interested with recruting DD's
i can play sorceror to

i can play sorceror to

Sorc sux especially for valky

so to be in the clan i must do only support no ty and btw sorc is very good but i have play Spell Howler for 1 year so i can play easy one and you that spellhowler kick asses

You can make DD on sub

i can make EE sub really fast or bishop

- unless you make main support than you can sub dd
CalaQuendiR wrote: i can play sorceror to

Sorc sux especially for valky

I agree with S3xy.
Anyway - from me
If you make some support i change my mind
listen guys i have already said that i can play spellhowler as good as any char so dont stack with sorceror and one more thing
trust me if i knew that i am good with support i would say yes right away cause i want to be in mage clan a long time now but i dont know to play support i am always in dd side so plz stop the support things cause it will be lame to play some class which i dont know .
so if you want a pro dd in the clan who know what he will do in any situation i can assure you ,you will have one cause i know to do it good and i have done it before .
All i am asking is a chance to be in your clan and if i get it i want to be 100% the best i can nothing less nothing more ty

pls s3xy and perentis dont tell him what class he must to do, if he will make sh+ from me, if sorc/aw -. if u want some support perentis make it not sps.
i 'm closer to sh too

pls s3xy and perentis dont tell him what class he must to do, if he will make sh+ from me, if sorc/aw -. if u want some support perentis make it not sps.
We didnt told him what class him (like you said) MUST play. We wrote only we give him + if he make support. But we didnt used word MUST. You can give him + but i give him - because like its write on Azuregamig.net we dont need sh now. Now we need support.
listen guys i have already said that i can play spellhowler as good as any char so dont stack with sorceror and one more thing
trust me if i knew that i am good with support i would say yes right away cause i want to be in mage clan a long time now but i dont know to play support i am always in dd side so plz stop the support things cause it will be lame to play some class which i dont know .
so if you want a pro dd in the clan who know what he will do in any situation i can assure you ,you will have one cause i know to do it good and i have done it before .
All i am asking is a chance to be in your clan and if i get it i want to be 100% the best i can nothing less nothing more ty

+ from me
pm me ig on BETA: Strong or Fish/Jaskier/Krauzer/Elminster for inv.